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Black Plum is highly rich in dietary fibre and phytochemicals, which is very beneficial for our overall health and also helps to prevent the risk of diabetes because fibre helps to promote the production of insulin in our body, which helps to slow down the sugar absorption in the bloodstream, thus helps to reduce the sugar in the blood. Studies have been proven that the consumption of fibre rich food, such as Black Plum can help to regulate the blood sugar level. Black Plum is very low in glycemic index, which means consumption of Black Plum will not affect our sugar level, so those who are suffering from diabetes can consume this sweet delicious fruit without any fear.
Due to the high amount of different B family vitamins and minerals, such as iron and potassium found in Black Plum, which is very beneficial to increase the blood circulation in our body, so that our body cells will get the proper amount of oxygen and nutrition for the growth and development.
Black Plum is highly rich in flavonoids and dietary fibre, which is very good for our cardiovascular health. Different studies have been proven that consumption of Black Plum is very beneficial to reduce the bad cholesterol from our body and increase the good cholesterol from our body. LDL or bad cholesterol is the main cause of various types of cardiovascular disease such as heart attack, heart stroke, etc.
Different studies have been proven that Black Plum is very good for promoting the healing process in our body for faster recovery of cuts and wounds because of its antifungal and antibiotic properties. Consumption of Black Plum is not only helping in healing the wound but it also helps in the regeneration of tissue.
Black Plum is highly rich in Vitamin C along with antifungal and antibiotic properties, which helps to boost our immunity and protect us from various fungal and bacterial diseases. Vitamin C helps to promote the production of white blood cells in our body that protect our body from foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses, it also helps to prevent oxidative damage to our cells.
Black Plum contain a high amount of dietary fibre, which is very beneficial to improve our digestive health and prevent digestion-related issues, such as constipation, gas, cramping, diarrhoea, bloating, etc. Fibre present in Black Plum adds bulk to our stomach and ensures the proper elimination of stool from our body. Besides this vitamin C found in Black Plum is very useful in preventing free radicals to do oxidative damage to our digestive system cells, thus prevent the risk of various types of cancer such as colon cancer.
Black Plum is highly rich in Iron, which is very beneficial for our brain. Iron helps to improve the production of haemoglobin, which binds oxygen and nutrition in the blood so that our brain will get the proper amount of oxygen and nutrition for proper functioning. Studies have been proven that consumption of Black Plum on a regular basis can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
Due to the high amount of minerals found in Black Plum, such as calcium, phosphorous, manganese and magnesium consumption of Black Plum is highly beneficial for our bone health and to keep our bone strong and healthy. Calcium and phosphorus are the main elements of our bone structure and it also helps to improve the bone density. Apart from this, studies have been proven that consumption of Black Plum on a regular basis can keep our bones strong and prevent the risk of osteoporosis.
Anaemia is a disease of iron deficiency in our body and Black Plum is highly rich in iron content, so consuming Black Plum on a regular basis can provide sufficient iron in our body to prevent the anaemia disease and symptoms of anaemia, such as fatigue, weakness, headache, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, etc.
Due to the high amount of antioxidants and antibacterial properties found in Black Plum, it is very good for our skin and also helps to prevent various types of skin-related issues. The antioxidant properties of Black Plum help to fight against free radicals and prevent oxidant damage to our skin cells; it is the main cause of various types of skin-related diseases such as wrinkles, dark sport, signs of ageing, etc. The antibacterial properties of Black Plum help to protect our skin from foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria, which is the main cause of various types of bacterial infection, such as acne, sore, etc.
To know more about ‘Are You Nutrient Deficient? Know What You Need Based on Your Symptoms’, Click Here
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